He was never really alone

never alone in iceland

Reading Time: 3 min

He was never really alone. Not in the real sense. Of course, let us not count the people he met at coffee bars or gas pumps or half empty diners, where he exchanged simple hellos and a few stories of the road. He was content with himself. He was comfortable carrying conversations with his annoying self, ambling on an isolated road, humming to that outlandish tune that seemed to be playing on a perennial loop at the most inopportune moment, laughing at his own atrocious jokes, knowing no one else will ever laugh at it, or at him. He was content.

But then she crossed paths with him. Initially, it was as always just plain greetings and the usual anecdote comparing country stamps and passport marks. But then he met her again, this was a coffee at the drive in. The next time was sumptuous dinner. They met again. And again. He thought it was destiny thus offering her to join him on the road; they gave up the concept of ‘accidental meetings’ as they realize they are on the same path. It stopped being a solitary journey for him anymore. They laughed together, they ate together; their journeys, their lives entwined to become a long adventure. He had always been content. Now he was satisfied. He knew he was never alone.

But destiny is a whimsical witch. That fateful day he was disturbed; a million different ideas scrambling through his brain. His thoughts were evoking such indecipherable emotions that he felt burdened under their weight. He turned around to look at her for help and there was no one. Disappeared. Vanished. Not even a footprint left behind. Like she never existed. He looked around as far as his eyes could fathom; there was not even a single human to be seen. All he could see was just the empty road and his next destination over the horizon. He was alone again. But strangely he discerned he was calm as well. He smiled because he knew, he was never really alone.

The photograph is a self portrait at Kerid Crater in Iceland. Check out my Portfolio or follow me on Instagram for more travel pictures.

Soubhagya Sagar Behera

I am Dr. Soubhagya Sagar Behera. I travel. I take pictures. I write short stories, poems and random reflections. When the time permits I do some doctor stuff and some MBA stuff; it pays the bills.

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