A delayed waiting

A woman waiting on street in Venice

Reading Time: 3 min

A delayed waiting,

In the middle of nowhere.

That trembling quiver of the thumb,

The parched dryness of the throat,

My unanswerable question,

Your unquestioned answer,

Your undecided choice,

My unknown uncertainty,

That pensive contemplation.

An impending disaster,

Your hesitant determination

Met my unwavering resolve.

Finally all that perseverance was forgotten,

With just your three words.

We are done.

The waiting was over, I was lost,

Hands lay limp with a desiccated soul,

The question defunct, no answer came forward,

The choice made, future bleak.

The only thing that won at the end,

Your hesitation,

And left alone to mourn,

My resolve.

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.

Paulo Coelho, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept

This image was clicked on the streets of Venice. Check out more pictures in my Portfolio or follow me on Instagram for more travel photographs.

Soubhagya Sagar Behera

I am Dr. Soubhagya Sagar Behera. I travel. I take pictures. I write short stories, poems and random reflections. When the time permits I do some doctor stuff and some MBA stuff; it pays the bills.


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